In 2022, I joined Codasip Labs as Lead Innovation Engineer, spearheading advancements in RISC-V architectures, domain-specific acceleration for AI/ML and signal processing, and HPC. I oversee roadmap development, team leadership, and engagement in key projects such as Horizon Europe, KDT, and EuroHPC, fostering collaborations with academic and industrial partners.

Previously, during my tenure from 2012 to 2022 at Honeywell Aerospace Labs, I served as Lead Scientist, driving the development and transition of concepts into product prototypes. I was developing technical roadmaps, leading a team, generating patents and papers, architecting proof of concept designs, and actively collaborating with academia in the area of multi-cores, edge AI computing, RTOS, tools, and application customization. Notable achievements include optimizing performance, ensuring real-time properties, enhancing safety, and minimizing development costs across multiple projects.

Co-authored 12+ patent applications and 25+ scientific publications.

Research Interests

  • Edge computing
  • Real-Time Systems
  • Software Engineering


2022 - current - Lead Innovation Engineer - Codasip Labs
2018 - 2022 - Lead R&D Engr/Scientist - Honeywell Aerospace Labs
2014 - 2018 - Senior Scientist R&D - Honeywell Aerospace Labs
2012 - 2014 - Scientist R&D - Honeywell Aerospace Labs
2007 - 2007 - Embedded Software Engineer - BEM Engineering


2007 - 2014 - PhD - Computer Engineering - TU Delft
2005 - 2007 - MSc - Computer Systems and Technologies - TU Sofia